Introducing Icarus Project
An online repository for documented Internet censorship circumvention techniques and methods.

· 4 min read
Online repositories and resources to circumvent censorship.
Get your site live again.
Explore Icarus GitHub RepoInternet censorship is spreading and tactics are changing. Part of our work at Project Icarus is identifying and documenting digital censorship technologies - and finding out whose behind it.
Our community has developed technology to help you build mirror sites. So even if your site has been targeted by censorship, we can help you get back online.
Censorship is as fluid as the internet. We provide education and resources that help people circumvent censorship and the resources available to them beyond our project.
Our repository gives you access to the tools you need to build a mirror site in situations where your site is blocked from local access. It's censorship-fighting code.
Create a dynamic mirror for your blocked website using Decoy, our reverse-proxy written in python that is ready to deploy on Google App Engine. This will make it difficult to block your website entirely.
Being built on the peer-to-peer data exchange system, IPFS is practically difficult to block at least by current censorship techniques and standards, making it worth testing.
Create a mirror for your website on Tor network using Tor Onion services. See also a brief introduction to the Tor network and how to access it if it’s blocked in your country.
Stay up to date with our publications and our community.
An online repository for documented Internet censorship circumvention techniques and methods.
· 4 min read